27 Nov-1 Dec 2017 Grenoble (France)


2017/11/24 - A slightly modified version of the program can be downloaded here

2017/11/21 - The program has been modified. The new version can be downloaded here2017/11/21 - The detailed program can be downloaded here

2017/11/08 - The program is now fixed. The sessions will not move.

2017/10/16 - Some working groups sessions are proposed (see the program). If you want to propose new ones, please contact Evelyne Alecian

2017/10/16 - The sessions and their objectives are detailed below

2017/10/16 - A preliminary program is now on-line (see the Program tab). Be aware that the program is subject to change, speakers or working groups sessions may move to other moments during the week.

2017/10/16 - The submission for contribution has been delayed to November 13th.




The BinaMIcS (Binarity and Magnetic Interaction in various classes of Stars) project aims at understanding the interplay between binarity and magnetism in close stellar binary systems. The 5th BinaMicS workshops aims at gathering members of the collaboration for :

- Presenting and discussing recent results obtained within the collaboration
- Discussing the challenges in analyzing and modeling the data
- Discussing and taking decisions about the future of the project

The workshop will be organized with 3 or 4 sessions of scientific talks, and 4 or 5 sessions of working groups.

The workshop is mainly devoted to all members of the collaboration, but anyone interested in the binamics topics or willing to take part to the project is welcome to attend




Sessions and objectives

Session 1: Magnetic massive binaries and magnetospheric interaction


Discuss the properties of the magnetic fields and massive OB binaries

Compare to isolated OB stars

Discuss the definition of isolated massive stars

Discuss the magnetospheres interaction


Session 2: The birth, evolution and successors of massive binaries


Discuss the general properties of magnetic fields of short-period massive binaries as well as their evolutionary status

Discuss the impact of close binary evolution on the origin and evolution of fossil magnetic fields

Compare to other studies of magnetic fields in single and in evolved stars


Session 3: Magnetic intermediate-mass binaries and Star-Star interaction


Discuss the magnetic properties of the Ap/Bp in close binary systems, and compare with isolated Ap/Bps, emphasize the broader context of detection of faint magnetic stars.

Discuss the circularisation/synchronisation status of the magnetic systems

Discuss the possible impact of star-star interaction on B field

Discuss the origin of magnetic fields in intermediate-mass (and massive) stars


Session 4: Cool and PMS stars


Discuss the first results, in particular the differences observed in the two similar components of sig2 CrB.

Compare to single systems


Important dates and information

The workshop will be held in the Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG), in Grenoble (France). More informattion is available in the "Venue" section.

Registration deadline: November 13th 2017

Abstract submission deadline: November 13th 2017

 The registration is free but limited to 60 people.

You need to register first before being able to submit an abstract. To register, in the Main Menu, click on the "Registration" tab. Once registered, in the "My Space" menue, click on the "Submission" tab.

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